Servers will be temporarily offline for an estimated time of 4 hours on Thursday, January 16th from 2 AM to 6 AM (UTC) to update Patch 1.39.
New Skins & Emotes
Sweet Valentine Rozzi (Rare)skin will be available!
“Hmm... just for today.”
Xiukai emoteswill be available.
1.39 Update Item Probabilities Changes
The item list and probabilities for boxes, disassemble and the personal store will be updated during the 1.39 Patch on January 16th!
Box Items and Probabilities
We’re changing the probabilities and items included in boxes including Skin Data Boxes, Research Data Center Boxes, etc.
You can check the changes to items and probabilities in our [Box To-Be Probabilities] website page.
Disassemble Items and Probabilities
We’re changing the probabilities and items received upon disassembling 18 Designs and 18 Complete Items.
You can check the changes to items and probabilities in our [Disassemble To-Be Probabilities] website page.
Personal Store Items and Probabilities
We’re changing the probabilities and items placed in the 1st and 2nd slots.
The amount of Season Tokens that can be acquired through Random Boxes in the Personal Store has been updated.
You can check the changes to items and probabilities in our [Personal Store To-Be Probabilities] website page.
*To Be probabilities will change to Current Probability on January 16th.
Union Circuit (Beta)
Union Circuit is a new mode exclusively for pre-registered teams, where performance is measured based on the success of the team as a Union rather than individual achievements.
Form a Union with like-minded players to take on the challenge with well-coordinated character compositions, strategies, seamless tactics and teamwork!
Union Formation
A Union can consist of up to 4 members.
Each player can belong to up to 4 different Unions, but can only serve as the leader for one.
Only accounts with a level of 30 or higher can participate.
A Union cannot be formed if 3 or more members are parto of a same different Union.
Once the registration is finalized, a Union’s name cannot be changed. Members cannot be added or adjusted at this point either but you can cancel (disolve) the Union registration.
In the event of dissolution of a confirmed Union, the team leader will be subject to 24 hours of cooldown to re-register a Union.
Union Circuit Schedule
Season 6 Union Circuit will be operated as a beta version and may become a regular mode after improvements.
Beta Operation: Thursday, January 16th to Wednesday, March 6th 01:59 (UTC)
North America Server: Saturday & Sunday 19:00 - 21:00 (PT)
Europe Server:Saturday & Sunday 19:00 - 21:00 (UTC)
The Asia 1 Server will also be open every day from 10:00 to 12:00 (KST) and the Asia 2 Server will be open on Saturdays and Sundays from 20:00 to 22:00 (KST)
Union Circuit will not be available in the South America Server for the Beta version but players can try out this mode through other servers.
You can form a Union at any time but you can only play Union Circuit matches during the designated schedule.
You can also join Unions and play Union Circuit matches in other servers.
Union Circuit Tiers
Union Circuit consists of 9 tiers: SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, and F, while the number of players promoted and demoted varies by tier.
Teams are initially placed in a tier between F and B based on the average rank of their members. Promotions and demotions are based on your match results.
Tiers up to B will be open on January 16th and higher tiers will become available progressively over time.
Tier rewards will include A-Coin and other in-game currency, with full details to be revealed alongside the Ranked Rewards announcement later on. These rewards will be distributed after the Season concludes.
Ranked Mode
With community feedback, we’re adding a Ranked schedule for NA & EU servers to make the rank schedule for servers easier to check. We understand that there may be some negative opinions regarding this change, but note that this is to give a clearer idea on when Ranked mode pops and we will continue to monitor the schedule to gather feedback and make more improvements accordingly.
North America Server Ranked Schedule
Weekdays: 15:00 ~ 01:00 (PT) / 18:00 ~ 04:00 (ET)
Weekends: 14:00 ~ 01:00 (PT) / 17:00 ~ 04:00 (ET)
Europe Server Ranked Schedule
Weekdays: 19:00 ~ 03:00 (CET)
Weekends: 18:00 ~ 03:00 (CET)
Pre-made Teams Restrictions (Asia 1 Server)
Pre-made Teams for Diamond players will now be available in ranked matches.
2P Pre-made Teams Diamond players can form teams with players up to Platinum tier.
3P Pre-made Teams Diamond players can form teams with players from any tier below Diamond.
We’re adding voice recordings to the lore pages in Achievements.
Anybody Here? Level 3
The Importance of Angles Level 1
Collecting & Hunting
An Unbreakable Heart Level 4
Did You Catch A Lot? Level 1
Do You Wanna Try It? Level 3
- Special
- 1 Achievement
We’re adding 1 Lobby Screen reward for completing achievements.
Special Category
1 Achievement
Player Report System Improvements
We’re improving the player reporting feedback system to address the previous limitation where only the first reporter would receive information about player sanctions.
Now, if a reported player receives a sanction, all reporters will receive a message at the end of the match.
This doesn’t apply to tickets submitted through the Customer Support Center.
We’re continuously working on improving the player report and feedback system. Our efforts include introducing automatic updates for Customer Support reports and adding the ability to report players during the Game Preparation Phase before a match starts in future updates. Stay tuned for these upcoming improvements!
CCTV Range Indicator (Alt)
CCTV plays a crucial role in gathering vision, but until now, players had to rely on experience and memory to estimate its range. That’s about to change! You can now press the Objective Info (Alt) key to see the exact vision range of CCTV cameras.
While holding the Objective Info (Alt) key, the CCTV vision range will be displayed.
Unoperated CCTVs are shown in white, enemy-operated CCTVs appear red, and team-ooperated CCTVs are marked green.
Enemy-operated CCTV visibility requires your team to have vision of its location.
In spectator mode, all CCTVs are displayed in white regardless of their operation status.
CCTV blind spots have always been influenced by the physical height and angle of walls or pillars around them. While this added a layer of strategy, it wasn’t always easy to grasp visually from a 2.5D perspective.
To make CCTV vision more intuitive, we’re revamping its rules without adding or removing any cameras. This adjustment will be applied to the 41 existing CCTVs, refining blind spots or slightly shifting their positions to align with consistent rules.
We’re adjusting CCTV heights to minimize obstruction from taller structures.
However, CCTVs still won’t reveal targets hiding in brushes or inside buildings from outside the building.
We’re slightly repositioning CCTVs in areas where the detour route to avoid CCTVs is ambiguous to make it clearer and more intuitive.
Some CCTVs will also be repositioned in areas where the terrain coverage lacks clarity or is unintuitive.
We’re also repositioning CCTVs that show too much information from a different area.
Walls/Windows Vision Improvements
Just like with CCTVs, whether walls and windows provide vision of the other side has been determined by the height and angle of surrounding structures. However, some walls and windows made it unclear or acted counterintuitively regarding what could be seen through them. So, we’re making these terrains more intuitive to improve clarity.
- Terrain where the other side is visible
- Terrain where the other side isn’t visible
Security Console and Alpha/Omega Spawn Adjustments
We’re making some adjustments to clean up areas that looked awkward after removing brushes. Security Consoles in Alley and Hospital have been slightly relocated to avoid overlapping with other Objectives and Icons in the map.
The Final Restricted Area remains the same.
We’re adjusting the locations where both Alpha and Omega spawn.
We’re adjusting the frequency of Raven caws to reduce excessive noise and help you locate them more precisely.
Range of Raven Caws: 20m → 15m
We’re reducing the frequency of Raven caws.
We’re also removing sounds in the cemetery that resemble Raven Caws.
Lumi will now provide game information in the Briefing Room before the match starts.
Right-clicking Lumi in the Briefing Room allows Lumi to share game tips via the chat.
Tip Cooldown: 2 seconds
Lumi’s tips are deleted once the game starts.
Supply Items
Telephoto Camera
Purchase Quantity: 1 → 2
Price: 0 Credits → 5 Credits
Recon Drone
Purchase Quantity: 1 → 2
Price: 0 Credits → 5 Credits
VLS (Vertical Launch System)
The maximum travel distance is slightly increased, improving movement between distant areas.
Max Distance: Approx. 123m → 130m
Secret Labs
Loop Card Keys will now disappear automatically when dropped on the ground.
Even when they disappear automatically, they could still be re-dropped from Wild Animals.
We’re also making some adjustments to prevent over-supply of Loop Card Keys during late-game.
Loop Card Key - Common:
More keys will now appear earlier in the game.
Loop Card Key - γ:
Night 3 → Day 3
We’re also increasing their spawn rate.
Movement Command Adjustment
Sometimes, issuing movement commands near walls can send you to an unintended spot due to the angle difference between the camera and the wall. While the nature of the 2.5D perspective makes this tricky to fully resolve, we’ve made some tweaks to better match your intent when clicking on those ambiguous areas.
These changes won’t completely eliminate perspective hiccups, and in rare cases, they might feel a bit off. However, our internal testing showed noticeable improvements, and we’re confident it’s a step in the right direction. Once the update goes live, we’d love to hear your feedback so we can keep making it even better!
Kiosk Remote
Won’t drop as often from hunting Wild Animals.
Enemy Kill Effect
Enemy Kill Effect SP Recovery 15% → 35%
Min Restricted Area Count upon revival 7s → 10s
Damage Taken Reduction 5% → 4%
Weapon Skill
Pistol - Moving Reload (D)
Movement Speed Increase 40/60/80%(+Skill Amplification 1%) → 40/55/70%(+Skill Amplification 1%)
Character Price Reduction
650 NP → 350 NP
8,020A-Coin → 4,340 A-Coin
Garnet excels at holding the frontlines while dealing heavy damage through skill combos. We’re keeping her durability intact but slightly reducing her skill damage to balance her performance.
Sadistic Slam & Spiked Echo(Q)
Sadistic Slam (Q1)
Damage 40/60/80/100/120(+Skill Amplification 50%)(+Max HP 5%) → 40/60/80/100/120(+Skill Amplification 50%)(+Max HP 4%)
Twisted Obsession(E)
Damage 60/85/110/135/160(+Skill Amplification 55%)(+Max HP 7%) → 60/85/110/135/160(+Skill Amplification 55%)(+Max HP 6%)
Crossbow Nadine has been showing strong stats overall, so we’re slightly toning down her overall power.
Basic Attack Amplification per Crossbow Mastery Level 1.4% → 1.3%
We’re increasing the power of Nathapon’s Q - Snapshot, allowing him to exert more pressure in standoffs.
Damage 50/85/120/155/190(+Skill Amplification 75%) → 50/90/130/170/210(+Skill Amplification 75%)
Daniel has consistently recorded good score gain overall. We’re reducing the initial power of his R - Masterpiece to limit his early kill potential while maintaining his strength during late game.
Consecutive Damage 20/35/50(+Attack Power 30%) → 10/30/50(+Attack Power 30%)
Final Damage 60/115/170(+Attack Power 90%) → 40/105/170(+Attack Power 90%)
While Tia can root enemies using the blue and yellow painting combination from her passive, skill combos and skill power has felt underwhelming. We’re increasing the damage of this combo to make it more rewarding.
Color Mixing(P)
Magic Chipmunk (Yellow+Blue)
Damage 40/75/110/145/180(+Skill Amplification 95%) → 50/90/130/170/210(+Skill Amplification 95%)
Rozzi has been performing well since the last patch. To counter this, we’re partially rolling back some buffs and reducing the damage of herW - Flutter.
Basic Attack Power 33 → 31
Damage 30/65/100/135/170(+Attack Power 70%) → 30/60/90/120/150(+Attack Power 70%)
Luke’s instant damage from skill combos has been overly powerful. Thus, we’re adjusting his power to deal continuous damage.
Basic Attack Amplification per Bat Weapon Mastery Level 1.7% → 1.8%
Clean Sweep(Q)
Dash Min Damage 60/80/100/120/140(+Extra Attack Power 70%) → 60/80/100/120/140(+Extra Attack Power 60%)
Dash Max Damage 120/160/200/240/280(+Extra Attack Power 140%) → 120/160/200/240/280(+Extra Attack Power 120%)
Li Dailin
Li Dailin has been exceptionally strong, using R - Striking Tiger to decisively finish off enemies. We’re reducing its damage to balance her performance.
Striking Tiger(R)
Min Damage 30/80/130(+Attack Power 60%)(+50% Consumed BAC) → 20/70/120(+Attack Power 60%)(+50% Consumed BAC)
Max Damage 45/120/195(+Attack Power 90%)(+50% Consumed BAC) → 30/105/180(+Attack Power 90%)(+75% Consumed BAC)
We’re addressing Martina’s low pick rate by increasing the damage of her Q - Fast Forward and W - Pause, making successful skill hits feel more impactful.
Fast Forward - Broadcast(Q)
Damage 50/80/110/140/170(+Attack Power 80%) → 50/80/110/140/170(+Attack Power 85%)
Pause - Broadcast(W)
Damage 110/140/170/200/230(+Attack Power 80%) → 110/140/170/200/230(+Attack Power 85%)
The previous version of W - Shawl Veilreduced all basic attack damage to 1, making it exceptionally strong against certain test subjects. Additionally, this skill allowed Mai to withstand enemy attacks effectively, even without high-rarity items. We’re changing some of her skill’s stats while restoring the cooldown reduced in a prior hotfix.
Defense per level 2.8 → 3.1
Shawl Veil (W)
Defense Increase(REMOVED)Defense from Basic Attacks(REMOVED)Damage Taken Reduction 26/27/28/29/30% (NEW)
Cooldown 6s → 5s
Both Markus’ pick rate and performance have been low. By enhancing the power and sustain provided by his Q - Art of War, we aim to make him a more competitive option.
Art of War(Q)
Damage 10/20/30/40/50(+Additional HP 15%) → 10/20/30/40/50(+Additional HP 18%)
Vanya excels in sustained battles thanks to her strong defense, giving her remarkable durability. However, she's currently performing too well, with high pick rates and outstanding stats, especially in lower tiers. We’re reducing her base defense to introduce more risk when she doesn’t get shields.
Base Defense 56 → 52
Barbara’s low pick rate is being addressed by increasing both her base HP and the durability of her Q - BT-MK2 Sentry Gun, allowing her to extend fights and perform more effectively.
Base HP 900 → 940
BT Sentry Gun Mk.II(Q)
Sentry Gun HP 100(+Barbara Level*80) → 100(+Barbara Level*100)
Sentry Gun Defense 80 → 85
We’re increasing Celine’s HP per level to make her gameplay feel more stable.
HP per Level 71 → 74
Silvia’s high mobility and power have made her very effective. We’re balancing her by increasing her initial speed while reducing her speed later on and the damage of her Bike skills.
Front Flip(Bike W)
Damage 60/100/140/180/220(+Skill Amplification 70%) → 60/100/140/180/220(+Skill Amplification 65%)
Wheelie(Bike E)
Damage 40/70/100/130/160(+Skill Amplification 60%) → 40/70/100/130/160(+Skill Amplification 55%)
Shift Gears(R)
Base Movement Speed 0.1/0.55/1 → 0.2/0.45/0.7
Both Adela’s weapon types have been showing a strong performance. With W - Knight Fork’s two charges, Adela’s ability to create diverse situational plays has greatly increased. To balance her overall strength, we’re reducing the power of both this skill and the pawns from Q - Promotion.
Pawn Damage 40/80/120/160/200(+Skill Amplification 65%) → 40/80/120/160/200(+Skill Amplification 60%)
Knight Fork(W)
Damage 20/60/100/140/180(+Skill Amplification 85%) → 20/60/100/140/180(+Skill Amplification 80%)
Adina has been performing well overall, especially her E - Fated Horizon has provided exceptional sustain for her team. We’re adjusting the recovery effect to balance her impact.
Fated Horizon(E)
Star Total HP Recovery 45% Damage → 40%
We’re improving the usability of Arda’s Q - Shamash’s Papyrus to give him more opportunities to shine.
Shamash's Papyrus(Q)
Cooldown 7/6.5/6/5.5/5s → 8/7/6/5/4s
Pistol Isol has been consistently strong, so we’re dialing back his skill power. On the other hand, we’re boosting the performance of Assault Rifle Isol to help him out since his stats have not been doing well.
Basic Attack Amplification per Assault Rifle Mastery Level 1.3% → 1.4%
Pistol Skill Amp per Mastery Level 4.6% → 4.4%
Semtex Bomb(Q)
Damage 50/70/90/110/130(+Attack Power 25%)(+Skill Amplification 80%) → 50/70/90/110/130(+Attack Power 25%)(+Skill Amplification 70%)
We’re improving the flow between E - Hound and E2 - Arrest to make their combo smoother and more intuitive.
Hound(E1) → Arrest(E2) transition is now smoother.
We’re increasing Alonso’s base defense to help him be a sturdier ally in fights.
Base Defense 49 → 52
Tonfa Jan hasn’t been recording goods stats. We’re increasing the damage of E - Bob and Weave to reward well-timed skill use with greater impact.
Bob and Weave(E)
Damage 10/20/30/40/50(+Extra Attack Power 60%)(+Skill Amplification 45%)(+Enemy's Max HP 5%) → 10/20/30/40/50(+Extra Attack Power 60%)(+Skill Amplification 50%)(+Enemy's Max HP 5%)
We’re increasing her overall stats through her weapon mastery and reducing the cooldown of P - Duty Calls! to make it easier to utilize.
Skill Amp per Axe Mastery Level 4.2% → 4.4%
Duty Calls!(P)
Cooldown 140/130/120s → 100/90/80s
Echion has been performing well overall. To balance this, we’re reducing his Defense per level slightly to require more thoughtful play and adjusting P - Call of Cadmus to balance the strong Black Mamba Echion.
Defense per level 3.5 → 3.2
Call of Cadmus(P)
HP Recovery when dealing damage with Black Mamba 25/30/35/40% of Damage → 20/25/30/35%
Elena has been consistently strong. We’re making adjustments to encourage a bit more caution when charging toward enemies.
Base Defense 57 → 54
Emma’s P - CheerUp♥ previously had Max SP scaling, which made her overly reliant on SP-boosting items. We’ve shifted most of that scaling into her base damage, giving players more freedom in their item choices.
CheerUP♥ (P)
Additional Basic Attack Damage (+Skill Amplification 30/40/50%)(+Max SP 8%) → 70/90/110(+Skill Amplification 30/40/50%)(+Max SP 1%)
Shield 30/65/100(+Skill Amplification 20/25/30%)(+Max SP 10%) → 140/180/220(+Skill Amplification 25/30/35%)(+Max SP 2%)
Yuki has been underperforming, so we’re boosting his Defense per level to enhance his durability.
Defense per level 2.9 → 3.1
Jenny has been showing a strong performance, especially during late game where her fully developed power makes her hard to counter. To balance this, we’re reducing the impact of her E - Personato tone down her overwhelming firepower.
Damage 60/90/120/150/180(+Skill Amplification 55%) →60/90/120/150/180(+Skill Amplification 52%)
Rapier Camilo has been performing well, so we’re slightly reducing his overall power.
Basic Attack Amplification per Rapier Mastery Level 1.6% → 1.5%
Katja has been struggling, especially with lower win rates and scores. We’re increasing the power of Q - Sharpshooter to help her pack more of a punch.
Min Damage 40/75/110/145/180(+Attack Power 60%) → 40/80/120/160/200(+Attack Power 60%)
Max Damage 60/110/160/210/260(+Attack Power 90%) → 60/120/180/240/300(+Attack Power 90%)
Dual Swords Cathy has been weaker compared to Dagger Cathy. We’re improving her overall potential to allow her to make a bigger impact.
Skill Amp per Dual Swords Mastery Level 4.4% → 4.5%
Kenneth shines during late game when fully equipped but often struggles to grow in the early stages. To help him establish a stronger presence during early and mid-game combat, we’re increasing his Base Defense and increasing the damage of his R - Flame Crush.
Base Defense 48 → 50
Flame Crush(R)
3rd Hit Damage 40/155/270(+Attack Power 130%) → 70/170/270(+Attack Power 130%)
We’re increasing Chloe’s base attack speed to make her more effective during combat.
Base Attack Speed 0.07 → 0.09
Chiara’s potential shines during late game, but she struggles in earlier phases. We’re increasing the effects of R - Plague at Level 1 and 2 to strengthen her performance when she’s in these lower levels.
Max HP Increase 50/150/250 → 100/175/250
Plague Damage 20/40/60(+Skill Amplification 25%) → 30/45/60(+Skill Amplification 25%)
Last Judgement(R2)
Damage 80/140/200(+Skill Amplification 40%) → 100/150/200(+Skill Amplification 40%)
Priya has been recording low pick rates. We’re adjusting her R - Echoes of the Earth to improve its utility, allowing her to absorb more damage and deal higher damage when used effectively.
Echoes of the Earth(R)
Initial Damage 80/150/220(+Skill Amplification 50%) → 80/150/220(+Skill Amplification 55%)
Damage Taken Reduction 40% → 50%
We’re increasing the range of E - Flanger’sfirst movement to help Hart maintain distance more effectively.
First use movement range 2.5m → 2.75m
Hyunwoo’s resilience and damage potential have been impressive, while the Defense Reduction from R - Haymaker has been beneficial when comboing with allies. However, his sustain is a bit too high so we’re adjusting his recovery and damage scaling to balance his persistence in fights.
Basic Attack Amplification per Glove Mastery Level 2.5% → 2.3%
HP Recovery Max HP 8/12/16% → 7/11/15%
We’re removing unstoppable during E - Getsurin Slash backward dashes, creating more counterplay opportunities against Hisui.
Getsurin Slash(E)
Unstoppable while dashing backward(REMOVED)
Earned Credits upon use (Self/Allies) 15/5 → 20/5
Bloodwing Knuckles
Attack Power 59 → 61
Glock 48
Attack Power 65 → 68
Teen Spirit
Attack Power 55 → 58
Stairway to Heaven
Skill Amplification 63 → 68
Cpt. Pepper
Skill Amplification 89 → 91
Attack Power 51 → 54
Skill Amplification 72 → 74
The Juggernaut
Attack Power 73 → 76
Assault Rifle
Skill Amplification 61 → 63
Critical Strike Chance 22%(REMOVED)(NEW) Attack Speed 15%
Attack Power 70 → 61
(NEW) Vigor - [Unique Passive]
Hitting a test subject with a basic attack deals skill damage equal to 2% of the target’s current HP and stacks Vigor for 5 seconds. Your Attack Speed increases by 4% per stack. At 4 stacks, you gain an extra 10 Attack Power.
Attack Power 59 → 61
Attack Power 48 → 50
Attack Speed 20% → 30%
Vulture's Eye
Attack Speed 20% → 25%
Skill Amplification 62 → 65
Dual Swords
Divine Dual Swords
Attack Power 43 → 45
Black Butterfly
Skill Amplification 74 → 76
Skill Amplification 81 → 83
Vibro Nunchaku
Attack Power 60 → 63
Neon Chain
Attack Power 70 → 73
Attack Speed 25% → 30%
The Hermit
Cooldown Reduction 5% → 10%
Azure Dagger
Skill Amplification 73 → 75
Attack Speed 20% → 25%
Two-handed Sword
Plasma Sword
Skill Amplification 85 → 87
Skill Amplification 98 → 100
Dáinsleif - Dawn
Adaptability 58 → 59
Sniper Rifle
Dead to Rights
Skill Amplification 95 → 92
Star Hunter
Burden: Magnetic Midnight - [Unique Passive](REMOVED)(NEW) Streamlined: Zephyr - [Unique Passive]
Hitting a single enemy with a basic attack or skill 3 times within 4 seconds grants you a shield of 200 and increases your movement speed by 15% for 2 seconds.
Cooldown 10s
Spear of Longinus - Dawn
Burden: Magnetic Midnight - [Unique Passive](REMOVED)(NEW) Streamlined: Zephyr - [Unique Passive]
Hitting a single enemy with a basic attack or skill 3 times within 4 seconds grants you a shield of 200 and increases your movement speed by 15% for 2 seconds.
Cooldown 10s
Attack Power 58 → 60
Instant Camera
Skill Amplification 61 → 63
Triple Focus
Skill Amplification 85 → 86
Cannon Camera
Attack Speed 20% → 25%
On Air
Attack Power 75 → 77
Tactical Tonfa
Skill Amplification 75 → 78
Mai Sok
Skill Amplification 79 → 82
Skill Amplification 88 → 93
Smoke Bomb
Attack Speed 10% → 15%
Ancient Bolt
Attack Power 55 → 57
Attack Speed 15% → 20%
Crimson Bow
Attack Power 70 → 67
Attack Power 26 → 24
Failnaught - Crimson
Attack Power 29 → 26
Spectral Jacket
Defense 25 →27
Attack Power 15 → 18
Wisdom Robes
Attack Power 10 → 13
Sultan's Turban
Movement Speed 2% → 2.5%
(NEW) Movement Speed 3%
The Dragon’s Fury
Skill Amplification 65 → 68
Arm / Accessory
Solar System Miniature
Defense 13 → 10
Burning Heart
Flame Barrier - [Unique Passive]
(Melee) Damage based on Max HP 3% → 3.5%
(Ranged) Damage based on Max HP 2% → 2.5%
Cobalt Protocol
Tactical Skills Rotation
Fissure(REMOVED)Blade of Truth(REMOVED)Force Field(REMOVED)Totem(REMOVED)(NEW) Fantastical Punch
Cost: 0 Credits
Summon the illusory fist of a genie in the targeted direction and deliver a swift punch, dealing 400(25% of Target's Max HP) skill damage to targets hit and pushing them far away in that direction. You and your allies do not take damage.
Cooldown 20s
(NEW) Nullification
Cost: 0 Credits
Activate to instantly cleanse debuffs or Crowd Control effects on you and increase movement speed by 60% for 2 seconds. (This excludes Airborne, Knockback, Grab, and Stasis.)
You become immune to Crowd Control effects for 1 second.
Cooldown 30s
(NEW) Soul Stealer
Cost: 0 Credits
Passive: Gain energy per 1% of HP lost during combat with nearby test subjects. Can be charged up to 99. Energy will dissipate if not charged for 10 seconds.
Upon use, all energy is consumed, nearby allies gain 20%(+Energy * 35%) Movement Speed and 11%(+Energy * 10%) Omnisyphon for 4 seconds.
Cooldown 45s
(NEW) False Oath
Cost: 0 Credits
Consume 200 HP to become Pledged for 10seconds.
While Pledged, you slowly recover (Melee 60~90 | Ranged 40~60) HP per second and all damage is increased by (Melee 11~22% | Ranged 8~16%). The effect becomes stronger the longer you are Pledged.
If you help eliminate or kill a test subject, the effect is renewed.
Cooldown 30s
Cobalt Protocol Balancing
Damage Dealt 91% → 93%
Damage Taken 95% → 97%
Damage Dealt 86% → 88%
Damage Dealt 90% → 92%
Assault Rifle
Damage Dealt 86% → 84%
Damage Dealt 92% → 90%
Damage Dealt 94% → 96%
Two-handed Sword
Damage Taken 100% → 97%
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Gameplay Improvements
Character icons in the minimap now display correctly.
Temporary Safe Zone winning team members are now properly revived.
Operator Guide timing for the Vertical Launch System Device (VLS) will now be played naturally.
Skills will no longer incorrectly deal damage at the start of a match.
Movement with the camera locked is now working normally.
The camera will no longer remain locked on allies after starting the VLS device.
Aggro will no longer be incorrectly applied to wild animals you haven’t attacked.
Characters will now be revived at the correct locations when using Mobile Kiosks.
Launch Pad will no longer be incorrectly canceled upon using skills.
Cataclasm and Blaze Up - Amplified item skill tooltips’ activation conditions will now be correctly displayed.
The spawn timing of Blue Lab Drones will now be correctly applied.
Mutant Wolves and Mutant Bears in the Mutant Lab now spawn in the right locations.
You’ll no longer be able to re-enter the Secret Lab after leaving.
Loops that are not available for interactions in the Secret Lab are now clearly indicated.
Escape conditions for Hyperloop now display properly.
Cobalt Protocol: The slow value for Miasma Fog Infusion’s tooltip is now accurately displayed.
We’re implementing battle server and client optimizations to improve overall gameplay performance.
Character & Weapon Improvements
Garnet: Maiden's Embrace (R) should now be reusable as intended.
Debi & Marlene: Crescent Dance (Marlene W) tooltip now accurately displays the cooldown.
Rozzi: Her animations should now be correctly displayed.
Mai: Haute Couture (P)’s enhanced effects will now be correctly displayed.
Yearning (E)’s ground animation effects are no longer visible in the Fog of War.
Holograph Fairy Vanya’s wing shadows now display correctly in the lobby animation.
Holograph Fairy Vanya’s wings now properly disappear during the downed animation.
Bianca: Sanguine Javelin (Q) damage detection now functions as intended.
Charlotte: Light Bearer (Q) now provides clearer visual effects when it disappears.
Celine: Detonate (W) and Plasma Bomb (Q)’s cooldown reduction effects should now be applied correctly.
Xiukai: Burnt to a Crisp (R)'s expanded tooltip now correctly displays his Max HP.
Arda: Babylon's Cube (W) and Babylon's Dice (R-W)’s animation effects are now consistently displayed.
Alonso: Model visuals now display correctly.
Echion: Dry Bite (E)’s cooldown should now reset properly.
Chiara: Mania (E)’s rooted effects now display as intended on all characters and dummies.
She is now correctly eliminated and no longer remains untargetable after revival.
Paradiso (R)'s indicator is now correctly displayed.
Summertime Hyunwoo: Haymaker (R)'s max charge effects now align with the intended duration.
Hyejin: Three Calamities (P)’s effect duration now matches its visuals.
Her voice is now played correctly for all her skills.
She now disappears correctly upon a successful escape.
Monohoshizao/Tsubame Gaeshi! (R) skill range now aligns with its indicator.
Lobby Improvements
Forging: The Preview button should now function properly.
Profile > Summary page rank tiers now display correctly instead of showing as Unranked.
ER Pass: Button names now display in the appropriate language.
Chat: The Copy to Clipboard button should now work as intended.
ER Pass Legion’s Bat's Eye Drone skin preview now loads without delay.
Resource icons no longer disappear when switching modes on Quick Start.
Real-time posts no longer overlap with specific tabs or Event NP displays.
Random Emote Voucher’s "Show Unowned Items Only" filter now works properly.
Last messages in the chat are now visible across all resolutions.
Craft Saved Plan: Descriptions and Augment icons no longer overlap.
Achievements: Survival > "I'll Be There for You" achievement now tracks progress accurately.
In-Game Chat: See previous chats now loads correctly after entering a match.
*Schedule for the 1.39.1 and 1.40 Updates
To accommodate the Lunar New Year holidays at the end of the month, we’ve made slight adjustments to our update schedule. A minor 1.39.1 Update focusing on balance adjustments and bug fixes will be released on January 23rd (UTC), followed by the highly anticipated Justyna major 1.40 Update on February 6th (UTC).