Green Jacket Pledges At NTSC Three Wise county students at North Texas State College have been named pledges to the Green Jackets, women's service organization. Barbara Lee Rich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rich of Mineral Wells, and a 1955 Chico High School graduate is a sophom*ore physical education major. Wanda June Burnett, sophom*ore education major, is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Burnett of Decatur, and is also a member of the Association for Childhood Education and Women's Forum. Virginia Sue Sellman, the daughter of the Sellmans of Bridgeport, is "a sophom*ore business major. She is also a member- of the Rally Club. Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Pinker- ton and family of Dallas visited in the A. Pinkerton home Sunday. Work, Sleep, Play In Comfort Without Nagging Backache Nagging backache, headache, muscular aches and pains may come on with over-exertion, emotional upsets or day to day stress and strain. And folks who eat and drink unwisely sometimes suffer mild bladder irritation that restless, uncomfortable feeling.
If you are miserable and worn out because of these discomforts, Doan's Pills often help by their pain relieving action, by their soothing effect to ease bladder irritation, and by their mild diuretic action through the kidneys -tending to increase the output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. So if nagging backache makes you feel dragged-out, with restless, sleepless don't try Doan's get the same happy relief millions have enjoyed for over 60 years. Get Doan's Pills today! DOAN'S PILLS Ad No. 118-41 lines and Davis of Northwest On District Team Carroll Stockard, 6'5" senior at Northwest High School, was the only unanimous selection on the Star-Telegram 2-A-10 all district basketball team. Don Davis, a teammate and No.
2 scorer on the championship Northwest team received the third largest number of votes. Northwest wound up the '56 season in district with 13 wins and 1 loss; and a season record of 23 wins against 6 losses. Stockard in 14 games during district play made 115 field goals; 49 free tosses for a total of 279 points and an average of 20.0. Davis had 80 goals, 28 free throws for total of 188 points and a 13.4 average for the season. MORE RENEW AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE MESSENGER More new and renewal subscribers to The Messenger include the following: Foy Brown of Newark.
McCarroll of Slidell. Cecil Pegues, Myrtle May, Claude Thompson, Low. ery, Hilton, Christine Garrett, Pat Bailey, Charles Cocanougher, Turner, Israel, Mrs. Jack Stark, Cooper, Gasperson all of Decatur. Ford and Mrs.
Trible of Rhome. CA A Blase and Lasiter of Alvord. Maxwell of Greenwood. Brooks Motor Chico. Stroud, Dallas.
Lee King, Ft. Worth. Mrs. Voss Dallas. Jaunelle Thorell, Saginaw.
Mrs. A Farrington, eral Wells. Bluford Walker, Memphis. Gainesville Granite Works, Gainesville. Alc Jimmie Lee Ellison, APO New York City.
MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED HERE Keener, and Dorene Walker, February 26. Hamilton and Janice Prickett February 23. Lynch and Virginia A Hudspeth February 22. Blasingame and Lorena Widenhoft February 17. Hines and Linda Harper February 16.
Reid and Frances Forsythe February 9. TRAINING AT FT. STORY, VA. Army Specialist 3c Ralph Belew, 25, of Decatur, is receiving training with the 612 Transportation Company at Ft. Story Va.
for 'Project 572 West' a re-supply operation to be held this summer in the Ar. tic. Specialist Belew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Belew, route 3, entered the army in 1954.
ON HONOR ROLL AT ARLINGTON Edward Lee Black of Paradise was listed on the fall mester honor roll at Arlington State College, Registrar Barnes has announced The honor roll includes only students with no grade lower than for the semester. Barnes explained. The importance of being healthy, vigorous, active and alert is tremendous. For that reason, time spent at the Crazy Water Hotel in Mineral Wells resting, relaxing, taking health baths, enjoying many wholesome activities and using one of the world's finest mineral waters is important. The perfect "Spring Tonic" is awaiting you today at the Crazy Water Hotel.
Two people on the 5 Day Special have a Choice room Complete daily bath and massage Anything desired for breakfast all for only $36.00. make your reservations today Write to Fred Brown, Manager Crazy Water Hotel Mineral Wells, Texas Advt. HEALTH AND EFFICIENCY AT TRACK CLINIC Coach Cy Young attended the annual Abilene Christian College track clinic in Abilene last Saturday with over 300 high school and college coaches in attendanct. In addition to lectures and demonstrations a film of the 1956 Olympics was shown plus the" sprint race between Bobby Morrow, gold medal winner in the last Olympic games. 5000 FOOT VENTURE NEAR BOONSVILLE AF Miles Production Co.
a Christie, Mitchell Matchell staked No. 1 Roth as a 5000 foot venture in the southeast Risch (Caddo conglomerate Field) of Wise county, 3 miles west of Boonsville and spots 467 feet from west and TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 29, 1957 BIG SPRING DAILY HERALD Alexandria Daily Town Talk BIG SPRING, TEXAS, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1957 Orchid to the Railroads all the banks Thanks in the For sun-scorched A Big distant Good pastures Turn which they had been the drouth area to make a 50 per cent areas of the West and Southwest shipped Most st evervone full rates seems to originally have taken this Railroads serving the Southwest's in asked by President Eisenhower to make drouth belt, and particularly the Texas reduction in interest rates, or if all the 50 per cent reduction in interest rates service for granted. But bappily, several and Pacific, have found it. necessary and merchants had Been asked to cut in half on their loans to farmers and ranchers, Central hundred Texas farmers. and had ranchers the in the to would be considered.
most unusual. region grace advisable to buy newspaper. space. to tell the prices they charge for basic needs of it all the merchants of the area, say thanks. Last week they cave America a little something about their farmers and ranchers.
were asked to make a 50 per cent re- banquet at Dublin for some railroad "But when the railroads are asked By duction in the prices of one or more of had officials been a The saver" reduction they they said, Ballas Mornin Nrws Fetruary 9, for. their the president to make. a 50 per cent re- their hasic items, as an aid to the farm. ed the olucials and want. ens and ranchers, that also would be to know that they appreciatRare Appreciation duction their rates on hay or other considered most unusual ed They also took occasion to point many trains.
Since Texans the cussing day the approved. of Sam railroads his Bass. has robbing when been ol Farmers Praise Railroads For Reducing popular. While many have squawked their share of levies. soaked plained: of the freight noise rail rates, and lines tax others with officers have more com have than Freight Rates On Drouth Hay Shipments But folks In and around the Texas Railroads serving the drought emerge icy Actually they were sa- are of the action of the railroads we have found ourselves in trouble town of Dublin don't think that way ea In the eight Southwestern more than $3,000,000 by the n.
reducing by one half the freight and the railroads of America: aS about the railroads. Recently ranchmen, 10, 1957 Fought rate during the period Oct rates on hav moving into the they have many times in the past. and farmer THE MIDLAND REPORTER TELEGRAM, SUNDAY, 10 the present time Over the drought stricken area of the South have come to the rescue by redue FEBRUARY ars these representatives of ag west and ing rates for our farmers and ran dairymen for a banquet honorir. culture have received more than it is an acknowledged chets. We should all say thanks the action of the roads through reduced rates.
volun anchers. farmers and erica purpose was to sho Golden Deed, Indeed! 5,000,000 in drought relief bene fact that this action enabled many to the railroads of Am ting the freight rate the years have been On part of the padroads i of the are maintain then Any question that the railroads for drouth areas by The nation's railroads through aid, financial at tithes when the stock herds when they do not make sacrifices to aid agri: This slashed rate, good neighbors in most friends and neighbors and to. their instances- extending than through $1,500,000 March 31, since has 1 and otherwise, to their The Longvicho Daily Actos February 7, 1957 enabled many sell to at keep de More than that, railroads generally have assumed the When the railroads reduce this country in times of emergency. of should having to citizen- -active and participating -In the commu- The $25 Million Good Deed good deed for which they receiv drouth bring country. appreciat role of While thinking about good deeds ment.
But they are entitled to p. pities thev serve. taken (this being Boy Scout consideration of their needs. Week, and Scouts being famous for about MARSHALL NEWS MESSENGER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1957 on the that $25.000,000 good deed the rail farmers and ranchers of the west The Galveston Daily News Railroads Render a Vital Service he DIS rail- and us like a President right sizable Eisenhower good on deed three -Tr Railroads and Drouth The Texas and Pacific Railway Co. Unfortunately.
unfounded rumors good the past four years has asked the Ta DIG HE A avenue. deserves a of readership from Its whisper the story spread southwest. to make a 50 tier Dublin that the railroads are being taken care of that Uncle recently for the drought WESTERN Night Lester the rauroads $25 000.000 good deed TERN Day Letter id rendered by current advertisem*nt. that explains Sam, in his generosity with 1220 SYMBOLS made public conditions and CLASS OF SERVICE LT Letter Telegram survival, last. the drouzin arza we.
gram ferred character in- at point of destination analog This is full Cable- rate UNION VI.Ta Int'l Victory aments of hav Telegram unless or its de- ates were to 50: per cents red a suitable MARSHALL PRESIDENT STANDARD TIME de suggestion Fates at would make dicated above pre- P. Time of in to continue symbol the address. TIME at point of origin. Or. the railway ceding telegrams and day letters da STANDARD FEB 8 AM 11 08 were asked to cut Sling time shown in the date line on 7 636PME a 17.000 cars 10 aid drought victin.
The DC FEB. ten sector of he startling news? WA682 GOVT nen, farmets But when Presida SCRIPPS HOWARD asks the ran roads to WYLIE STEWART, enefit from feedstuffs. BLDG D. saved 10 An TOWER PETROLEUM NOT ha'n 10.000 000 procedure 49 RAILROADS HAVE rail auto REPLY YOUR TELEGRAM FEBRUARY OR DIRECT PAYMENT IN SUBSIDY are55.00 times BY GOVERNMENT MADE ON Sentials of BEEN COMPENSATED REDUCTION THEY VOLUNTARILY de br the the PERCENT REPORTS ho of QUT. la FOR THE FIFTY STATES.
MANY OT the region they TO DROUTH REDUCED he reduce DESIGNATED sem*n DO DIS SHIPMENTS OF HAY INDICATE THESE HAVE RECEIVED FROM THESE AND RANCHERS. STATES WE HELPFUL TO FARMERS RAIL RATES HAVE BEEN VERY PUBLICIZE THIS IT IF YOU WOULD WE WOULD APPRECIATE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE: EZRA TAFT BENSON Telegram is ITS PATRONS CONCERNING 178 SERVICE in reply to WIRE FROM WILL APPRECIATE THE COMPANY sent by Wylie Stewart, Scripps- -Howard $25,000,000 Contribution Newspapers Farmers and Ranchers Within the past four years the railroads have contributed to the farmers, ranchers and dairymen, through a reduction in rates on hay and other feedstuffs, 25 million dollars. Both the Congress of the United States and the Legislature of Texas, by resolution, have expressed their thanks to the railroads for this substantial contribution. Through the years the railroads have always extended a helping hand to their neighbors in times of disaster. To us this is a basic responsibility of good Americans.
THE RAILROADS OF TEXAS north lines of block 6, Gholson survey A324. MEDICAL PATIENTS AT ROGERS HOSPITAL Perkins of Bridgeport, doing nicely. Mrs. Syl Hardwick, feeling much better. Mrs.
Addie Coats, recovering rapidly from the flu. Mrs. Ci Hill, quite ill of the flu. Dr. Splawn, admitted for a few days.
Mrs. Cook, much better following a fall at her home. Mrs. Henson, improving slowing following a hand injury. Mrs.
Malcolm is recov. ering nicely from a broken hip suffered at her home. Mrs. A Pipes admitted suffering an attack of flu. Mrs.
Allgood and Miss St. Clair of Paradise are resting fairly well and will be able to return home soon. Mrs. Thurman Cook nas returned to her home following an attack of the flu. THE SANITONE DRY CLEANER GETS DRESSES REALLY CLEAN! ALL DIRT, SPOTS OUTPERFECTLY PRESSED T-82 CLEANERS Dial 6141 Thursday, March 7, 1957 BRIDGEPORT GIRLS WIN BI-DISTRICT TITLE MONDAY Joyce Haney fired in 2 quick layups in a two minute overtime to give the Bridgeport girls an uphill 44-43 victory over Munday in a game for bi- -district honors played in the Midwestern University gym at Wichita Falls Monday night.
Five hundred frenzied fans had plenty to yell about in a thrilling Munday led 22-14 at half. time but Bridgeport rallied in the final half to knot the figures at 40-40 at the end of the regulation playing period. Haney sprang loose under the basket for two crip shots in the overtime offsetting the 3 points scored by Yandell. Coach Doyle Hood's girls are to enter the regional meet in Denton Friday and Saturday. This was the girls second straight bi-district title, now boasting a 28-5 record.
Player fg ft pf tp Haney 14 0 0 28 Paschall 00 3 9 Rhine 3 1 1 7 Huckabee ......0 0 05 0 Green 0 0 4 0 Hudson 0 1 0 Totals 20 4 17 44 Munday 11 11 11 7 3-43 Bridgeport 10 4 14 12 4--44 MRS. HARDWICK IMPROVED Mrs. Syl Hardwick, who is a patient in Rogers Hospital is reported to be slightly imI proved. WAFFLE SUPPER EASTERN STAR Page 11 You and your family are in. vited to a waffle supper at the Masonic Hall Tuesday night, March 12th.
This supper is being held by the Eastern Star ladies and in to feature waffles with bacon or sausage at 75c. CARD OF THANKS The family of Mrs. A Lew. is wish to express their sincere thanks to all who had a part in the going away of our dear mother. May the Lord bless each of you.
The family. JOIN CLUB AT NTS COLLEGE Barbara Lee Rich of Chico and Joyce Elaine Phillips of Decatur have been named as members of the Women's Recreation Association at North Texas State College. Miss Rich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rich of Min.
eral Wells is a 1955 graduate of Chico High School and is a sophonome physical education major 01 Miss Phillips, a freshman education major, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paschall Phillips of Decatur and is a 1956 graduate of Decatur High School. A Burleson of Dumas was a business visitor here last week. STORY NO.
10-in a series of articles on Duval County by Frederick Hodgson and Franz Rosenwald, New York newspaper and magazine writers who visited Duval County and wrote the series exclusively for Texas readers. People Take Over in Duval County; County Government Has New Look By--FREDERICK HODGSON SAN DIEGO, are different in Duval County. No matter how brightly the lust for liberty burns, it takes a little know-how to jump in and operate a government according Constitution. Before the "cleanup," Duval County leaders had had their government run for them since before World War One, and unashamedly admitted they were rusty as the nails in the Ark. They obtained and circulated elementary textbooks on county government and read them like dime novels.
As a result, Duval County became a textbook on democracy. It would have made any county in the United States ashamed of itself to see Duval citizens religiously attending every meeting of the school boards and the commissioners court in such numbers that crowds had to stand out on the courthouse lawn. This is the courthouse, here in San Diego, Texas, where Parr's non-supporters say they were never allowed to enter unless, they were summoned. They saw the inside of the district courtroom, they say, "unless we were being tried for something we did not do." The meetings of the commissioners court and school boards were always held in secret, if at all. After "Operation Cleanup" an invisible line developed down the middle of the courtroom, dividing the Parr people from the nonParrists.
Many of the Parr people had relatives, under indictment. Every a big day in court, with overflow crowds. One day the Duke himself appeared to answer, an handful of indictment. school Another trustees arrived, with a motion to quash an indictment. The next day half a dozen lawyers tangled with District Attorney Sam Burris and the "State men." Now and then a Ranger stood up or shuffled his feet to remind the participants that "It's peaceful here, and we aim to keep it peaceful." The courthouse is the Sanctum Sanctorum which all but Parr's "Old Party" members were excluded.
There are other places besides the courthouse that used to be rigidly limits to Parr's opposition, but not any more. The San Diego Community Center, a public building, now is accessible to any group of citizens, no matter how vote. And that's new in Duval County. No sir, you wouldn't know the old Duchy with its new look. People stand around in the drug stores and talk about whatever they please without whispering, without looking over their shoulders to pee, who is near.
This is maybe biggest, the most striking change. Business has picked up in the Duke's domain. Manuel Marroquin, whose tortilla bakery was put out of business, by Parr, started over he began publishing his newspaper, the New Duval. He had to set up his cafe across the line in Jim Wells County, just outside San Diego. But all the old customers quit trading with him on the Duke's orders came back They bought his tortillas and his milk, and now they read his newspaper A lot of Duval residents are coming back home to work from the surrounding counties where they say Parr drove them by forbidding their employment in Duval Some have been traveling 20 to 60 miles to their jobs in Oilton and Falfurrias and Alice because nobody would hire them in George Parr's county There are many in this category exiles from sunup to sundown, six days a week Now they're coming home Life, business, government, even love--they've all been haywire in this haywire county, and are getting back to normal.
Boys and girls who couldn't date each other and fall in love because one family had Parr's blessing and another his curse, now can give Cupid a free rein. The invisible barriers Romehatned are falling Juliet have come into their own. In the schoolrooms the distinction the discrimination between kids of "Parr people" and others has pretty well vanished. You don't have to be the child of an "Old Party" family to go to the fair now and sell your 4-H Club calves and lambs. if you're poor, you don't have to be a Parr follower in order for your kids to get free milk at the school cafeteria.
Giving milk to one child a and withholding it from another for reasons of politics is just one of the many quaint practices condemned by Duval County grand juries that have been looking into things since the State of Texas moved in on the stronghold of the Duke. The changes in Duval County don't mean that Parr isn't still fighting. Those who know him best say he'll fighting when the iron doors clang behind him. The men who hang around the courthouse, the ones who couldn't around there before, will tell you that George Parr's ghost will walk those dim halls fifty years after he has fought his last fight. rid of 40 years of Parrism quickly.
A whole generation of men and women in one Texas county have been born and brought up in a climate of fear, hatred and distrust. There are those who have always eaten at the public trough, always had the protection of a Big Boss, and always helped him elect his candidates, spy on his enemies, destroy his opposition. County there are still many of these, and they have children. Their Golden Age has passed away, and they will mourn for it because they, like the Dukesof Duval, have been born in the wrong century. They are a part of feudalism, part of a day few when hundred little kings dominated square miles of earth, overtaxed their impoverished serfs, and amused themselves with senseless wars.
But the fest of the people in Duval County have just come Into their Golden Age. They have a new dignity. They have a new hope They have a County Auditor, an impartial grand jury, supervised elections, and police protection. As one Duval rancher put it, the clouds -have parted and the sun has broken through. To be sure, the sharp crack of legal conflict is still heard.
There is still. tumult and shouting Judge Woodrow Laughlin's district courtroom But the roar of the big legal artillery that has rattled the whole State of Texas for three years, while George Parr and his friends fought ditch by ditch to hold their fortress intact, has died out The final score has yet to be tallied, but the trend is clear The watchers in the grandstand are picking up their pennants and going home, and the boys in the press box already have written their copy for the morning edition. What does the Duval story mean to the State of Texas? My colleague, Franz Rosenwald, has seen more than one dictator. ship rise, flourish, fizzle and die. He says there are two things to remember about dictatorships.
First, they don't just fizzle by themselves. They have to be helped along people who are fed up with them. Second, there's not much hope for people who get rid of one dictator and fail to lock the against the next one. And there always a one. Under the Texas Constitution there's not likely to be a dictator.
ial governor, nor even a ture that gets too far out of line. The old state charter was written in 1875, when carpet-baggers were crawling all over the capital, and the men who wrote made provisions against abuses of power on the 'state level. They made Texas counties relatively autonomous, letting them retain much authority which ordinarily belongs to a state. This is cially true of the criminal esper This local autonomy is a good thing. provided you have guards against its misuse.
But once a county boss learns enough law to take advantage of the loopholes, you've got a dictator on your hands. This is the way former Attorney General John. Ben Shepperd explains "By controlling elections through threats, bribery or the miscounting of the ballots, you control the sheriff, the county and district judges, and the county and district attorneys. Your pet district judge appoints the grand jury commissions, and they appoint the grand and petit juries, Since you control the offices. you can lock up or destroy the records, thus removing the evidence, You cannot be arrested, indicted, tried, convicted or sentenced.
You are the law in your county." If you steal or misapply the county funds, nobody will know it because you can just refuse to let them see the records. There are few penalties for such. 80. cretiveness. Besides, whether you of hiding records or stealing money, or both, you have to be indicted in the county of the offense.
And, remember, the grand jury is in your own pocket along with the judge and the prosecuting attorney. In most cases you can't even be sued for the money you have scooped out of the till, because recovery suits can only be started with the permission of the governing body of the agency you have, stolen from. When Shepperd's office and District Attorney Sam Burris filed a suit to recover money misapplied by the Duval County Commissioners Court, the Commissioners effectively stalled it by refusing to go along with it, It took a couple of dozen court hassles in three different counties and several changes in county commissioners to straighten the mess out. Back to those secret records. There is no 'adequate law under which you can be removed from office for refusing to show them And you can always do as the county auditor of Duval County did.
He stood on the Fifth Amend. ment and refused to say where his records were Kept on the grounds that it might tend to in, criminate him There's no law against that, either Texas needs many new laws to protect its citizens against an. other County." Fifteen corrective measures have been in. troduced in the Legislature. by the Texas Press Association.
Each of these "Retter Government Bille" merit- nublic support..